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what is the secret of Great Leaders ?
What is the Secret of Great Leaders ? Top Leadership requires Top Coaching. Everyone leads in some way. Leadership is strength. A Coach is there to connect the Leader to his strength. Leadership is acquired by will or enforced by nature. Suddenly one is a mother or a father. With time one evolves into a position of responsibility at work. One thing is sure in all Leadership situations: having clarity of purpose and knowing who we really are and what

Forgiveness … a Heaven Agreement?
Forgiveness … a Heaven Agreement? Once upon a time, there was a Little Soul who said to God: – I know who I am! I know what I want to be! I want to be the part of Special called ” Forgiving”. Isn’t it special to be forgiving? – 0h yes, God assured the Little Soul. That is very special. But there’s one thing you should know, there’s no one to forgive. Everything I’ve made is perfect. There is not

Regret… a second mistake?
Regret… A Second Mistake? When looking back, we often regret certain decisions, certain paths taken, we think we could have done things differently, of course better. We believe that if we go back in time to change history then history will change. Yet we forget that we influence others and others influence us. People are as much part of the equation as we are. Our actions affect others and others affect our actions. Therefore, even if we manage somehow to

what is the secret of Great Leaders ?
What is the Secret of Great Leaders ? Top Leadership requires Top Coaching. Everyone leads in some way. Leadership is strength. A Coach is there to connect the Leader to his strength. Leadership is acquired by will or enforced by nature. Suddenly one is a mother or a father. With

Forgiveness … a Heaven Agreement?
Forgiveness … a Heaven Agreement? Once upon a time, there was a Little Soul who said to God: – I know who I am! I know what I want to be! I want to be the part of Special called ” Forgiving”. Isn’t it special to be forgiving? – 0h

Regret… a second mistake?
Regret… A Second Mistake? When looking back, we often regret certain decisions, certain paths taken, we think we could have done things differently, of course better. We believe that if we go back in time to change history then history will change. Yet we forget that we influence others and