An Extraordinary Life starts
the moment you take Conscious,
determined actions.
Start a new journey. Make your life a Masterpiece !
Do you want to live the Life you deserve? Reach your full potential ? Do you dream of an extraordinary personal and professional success that will help you maintain your emotional and physical well-being?
Let me walk you through it. I will give you the tools and skills you need to know to transform yourself into a new you and reach new heights.
The change you deserve today is within you. Living the life you deserve is up to you. You just need to overcome the Limiting Beliefs that are preventing you from thriving. replace your old beliefs with more empowering ones. Unleash your power from within.
We all have unlimited potential, but often our strategies and results don’t mirror that. Our subconscious and old habits cripple our progress and sabotage our potential.
Let me help you take massive action and embrace a new belief system that will get you the strategies and the big results you deserve.
Change begins with you taking action. I can show you the path. Are you ready to walk it?

Let's explore together.
The Discovery call is free.

Rules of the game
- Observe High Ethical Standards
- Preserve Your Confidentiality
- Put Your Interests First
- Offer you an Active & NON-Judgmental listening
More clearly, what exactly is coaching?
The approach of the Life Coach and the Therapist is completely different.
One of the most common misconceptions about Life Coaching is that it is therapy in disguise — or, worse, therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. This is completely false. In reality, Life Coaching has truly its own unique set of expertise and services designed to specifically help you meet your challenges and achieve your material and emotional well-being. Here are some of the main differences between therapy and Life Coaching.
Therapy, also known as psychotherapy, is a LONG-TERM mental healing process in which a client works with a licensed healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve deep-rooted mental or psychological issues. The idea behind therapy is to focus on PAST traumas in order to change self-destructive habits. In this sense, therapy focuses on ANALYSIS of the past in the hope of creating more stable future.
Life Coaching is different. It is a powerful SOLUTION-oriented method to help you move forward without dwelling on the past. It can happen that your coach goes with you into your past but does not stay there. He brings this past back to the reality of the moment. Your Life Coach accompanies you to pursue or discover a passion, break free of stuckness, strategize a path to achieving better goals, allow yourself bigger dreams and build the positive mindset that will empower you to achieve a better self.
One thing that life coaches are great at is helping people find their way when they are feeling lost and confused. Here are some of the signs and examples that INDICATES that you might need a coach:
- You want to accelerate to the next step in your career.
- You work in a culturally diverse environment and you feel sometimes lost
- You have the jitters of public speaking
- You feel like your life is on autopilot and you want to take back the lead.
- You want to get ‘unstuck’ and set goals you will actually achieve.
- You want to stop unhelpful habits and replace them with healthy alternatives.
- You worry about how other people consider you and that stress you much
- You know that your inner critic keeps you from living your best life and you want to learn how to quiet that voice.
- You desire a life with purpose and meaning but do not know where to start.
- You feel confused about the next chapter in your life (i.e. struggling with career decisions, major life choices) and would like to discover what would best serve you.
- You know that you have a lot to feel grateful for but something is missing and you need that extra inspiration to piece your puzzle together.
- You want to un-tap your inner motivation for a major goal
- You want to hold yourself more accountable, whether in your personal or professional life
A Life Coach can be a tremendously valuable asset in empowering you on a range of professional and personal issues. The data is even more compelling in this regard. Studies conducted by the International Coaching Federation on the effectiveness of life coaching showed 99% of the people they interviewed saw their experience working with a life coach as rewarding, while 96% stated they would do it again.
However, the bulk of the work will need to come from you. As a client you need to be ABSOLUTELY committed to making the changes that are needed for you to walk this development path and explore this new journey. A Coach can champion you, support you and carry you to greatness, but cannot do the work for you.
There is no subject that is outside the coaching space. However, there might be times when the coach does not feel completely comfortable with your problem for whatever reasons. In this case, he may refer you to another professional.
But in general, a Life Coach is disposed to deal with a wide variety of life-related challenges and topics including the following :
- Team management
- Stress management
- Public speaking
- Handling conflict and difficult conversations
- Remote work management
- Return to work after a career break
- Creating a more satisfying social life
- Reinforcing self-esteem and self confidence
- Life purpose
- Identity Structure
- Bereavement(s)
Depending on your situation, you may need one or the other, or perhaps you will need a coach, mentor and consultant all at once.
A coach is a consciousness awakener. He accompanies your internal process of transformation, at your own pace, along your own paths, assuming that you have the answers but need support to overcome internal resistance.
A mentor has experienced what you are experiencing now. He acts as a role model with a rich experience to accompany you at a stage of your journey. He helps you avoid making the same mistakes he made. A consultant is an expert in a particular field that you know or are less familiar with yourself. He will tell you what he thinks you should do based on his experience and expertise.