Does my story sounds like yours?
I survived and thrived in one of the most fast paced challenging corporations in the world.
But deep down I was not happy And I couldn’t figure out why
In theory my life looked amazing. Professional recognition and busy social life. My friends were telling me I had it all, but inside of me I couldn’t feel the same. Despite external signs of “material” success, I was battling with stress and low self-esteem. I spent my life striving to be perfect, and it still was not enough.
It took me my own life coach, few steps into a spiritual journey and a round-the-world trip to realize how much my greatest wealth was myself and how much I had within me all necessary resources to fulfill all my dreams.
This path was the most intense & exciting experience I ever had. Most importantly, walking this path allowed me to feel internally satisfied, freed from my deep fears and imaginary chains.
I am convinced that we create our reality every day and that life is ultimately a set of experiences whose purpose is to make us evolve.

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Want to know more about me?
Here are some more facts:
- I believe in the power of experiences
- I am committed to lifelong learning
- I love traveling and interacting with different cultures
- I love to speak in public
- I am an artistic painter
- I practice meditation
- I am a certified coach
- I have a master’s degree in Finance & Management
- I worked 15+ years within Multinationals (McKinsey&Company, Amann International, Boeing) in Executive Management positions